Our proven data and technology solution delivery services offer cloud-native design, build and support services following agile, continuous delivery, and DevSecOps principles for complex national and global digital platforms.
We offer deep expertise in the full range of digital data and technology roles across the technical, user-centred design, data, IT operations, product and delivery, and quality assurance testing job families.
We work in true partnership with your in-house teams to architect and build your solution using the most appropriate commercial, open source, and bespoke technologies, sharing knowledge and skills, whilst driving innovation through multi-disciplinary working and collaboration.
All services are based on proven methods designed to ensure compliance with digital service standards (e.g. UK GDS Service Standard and Scottish Government’s Digital First) and are secure by design in full compliance with Cyber Essentials Plus and ISO-27001 standards.
Trusted and Proven
Informed Solutions’s delivery services underpin award-winning digital solutions for organisations meeting complex and demanding challenges across civil defence, healthcare, sustainable environmental management, and energy sectors as well as central, local, and state government bodies in the UK and Australia.