Informed Solutions has been appointed as Strategic Digital Product Support and Services Partner for Ofsted.

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It inspects and regulates services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Every week, Ofsted carries out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits throughout England, publishing results and findings online. Its services help providers that are not yet of a good standard to improve, monitor their progress and share best practice.

Ofsted’s strategy centres on a fundamental guiding principle that Ofsted will be a force for improvement through intelligent, responsible, and focused inspection and regulation, supported by world-class digital infrastructure and services.

The appointment sees Informed Solutions deliver InformedSERVICE™, which will provide 24x7x365 service management, dynamic service monitoring and improvement for Ofsted services. Informed’s Agile and multidisciplinary teams will provide WebOps and DevOps support, working alongside Ofsted Subject Matter Experts to roll out continuous improvement to existing customer-facing digital services hosted on AWS platforms including:

Registration Services – services for customers who wish to register with Ofsted as a childminder, nanny, daycare or social care provider, or to maintain their registered status

Find an Inspection Report – for customers who wish to find an inspection report, or to see the result of an inspection

Ofsted Parent View – for parents or carers who wish to give Ofsted feedback about their child’s school and learners who wish to give feedback about their setting

Contact and Engagement – for customers requiring advice or feedback from Ofsted, or to report an incident, raise a concern, or make a complaint

Outstanding Provider Support Services – for those providers judged to be outstanding or good.

Informed Solutions will also maintain, operate, and manage Amazon Web Services (AWS) platforms, ensuring support for ongoing changes to services including maintenance change and integration with Ofsted systems, and ensuring all Ofsted products operate effectively within AWS environments where data is held in the UK across development, quality assurance, and production environments.

Informed Solutions UK CEO Seth Finegan comments: “We are so proud to have been chosen to provide critical product and service support for Ofsted’s customer-facing services following a successful implementation of a national childminder registration service.

“Our InformedSERVICE™ framework is already trusted to look after and services of critical national importance, and we are delighted that we are now able to work with Ofsted to manage, maintain and improve services that support our children and young people at such an important and challenging time”.

Brigid McBride, Programme Director for Digital Change at Ofsted comments: “Informed Solutions has demonstrated its expertise for digital service design, delivery, and service management through the successful implementation of Ofsted’s national childminder registration service.

“Education, children’s services, and skills are critically important issues as society continues to recover from COVID. The expert support for our world class digital infrastructure, alongside the management and continual improvement of our customer facing services, will play an increasingly important role in helping us support and improve services for young people and children over the coming years”.